Symptoms and treatment of neuralgia of the spine in adults

Neuralgia enough the characteristics of the back, characterized by the emergence of acute pain. Muscle soreness is caused by pressure on the nerve endings in the proximity of damaged and inflamed tissue. Often the disease process runs between the ribs.

Neuralgia back occurs fairly common in adults and children. Often to the doctor, the patient in an advanced stage of the disease, or even the application of cabinets is not only on the treatment of anti-inflammatory drugs.


There are various causes of neuralgia, and the occurrence of diseases associated with a variety of factors, such as:

The main symptoms невролгии
  • Allergies;
  • Neoplasms;
  • Injuries;
  • Herniated disc between the vertebrae;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Diseases of the circulatory System;
  • significant physical load, and many others.

Of course, this is only the basic reasons for the formation of the disease, since there are many different aspects of the production, the pressure on nerve endings, causing inflammation.

Important! In order to eliminate the pathology and reduce the main symptoms of the disease, necessarily a complex therapy with application of the various techniques.


The main symptoms of neuralgia of the back characterised by the fact that acute, ongoing pain, along the nerve. While the origin of the seizures and secondary characteristics, particularly such as can:

  • Sweating;
  • Redness, or over paleness;
  • tremors in the muscles.

Often neuralgia symptoms back provoked, after the excessive physical strain, sleeping in an uncomfortable Position, and abrupt movements. In the result, there is an overexertion of the muscles, swelling of the muscle tissue, irritation of the nerves formed and pain. While the pain may muscle spasms, and the nerve endings are in the back and the pain only a lot worse.

In the case of the occurrence of neuralgia of the spine, only the amplification of the pain when inhaling. Pain by simple pressure to the area of the back. Sensitivity in the area of the damaged roots can't be. The pain wearing the very different character and manifest themselves in the Form of:

  • Numbness;
  • Tingling;
  • Burning.

Dangerous this disease is, what it can hit the sciatic nerve, resulting in pain under the shoulder blade or in the lower back. Often seen in the case of gradients and curves pain the most.

Neuralgia of back to the nature of the existing phenomena, some resemblance to such diseases as pneumonia or heart attack. Therefore, if there is even slight symptoms of the disease, then you need to immediately to the doctor, to the passage of the survey and the establishment of the correct diagnosis.

When expressed signs of pathology the prescription does not describe the radiological investigation of the structure of the spine, the results of which confirm the initial diagnosis, but also many other diseases to determine in the spine, the method hidden.


As for the treatment of neuralgia, back – care, many patients suffering from pain and other symptoms, typical for this disease. With early treatment, often to the doctor's neuralgia is very fast and is well suited for the therapy. The main goal of therapy as the elimination of acute attacks and pain. In addition, you must necessarily fix the cause, provoked the emergence of neuralgia.

The therapy involves the application of certain means and methods, in particular such as:

  • manual therapy;
  • Massage;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Medications;
  • the traditional medicine.

Depending on which back neuralgia symptoms and treatment is in dependence of these phenomena. Elimination of acute attacks of pain, perhaps through the application of the Blockade, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. After elimination of the first signs of the pathology shown to the Massage, which helps relax the muscles, strengthen the immune system, as well as the most important functions of the organism.

Intercostal neuralgia

After the implementation of the most important medical procedure in the special exercises shows, the pick up should be a specialist. The therapy should be carried out and with the help of procedures, massage, compresses and ointments.

Very important to know, as to treat neuralgia back, as this enables it to improve to get the best methodology for the therapy and your health.

Drug Therapy

The treatment of neuralgia of the spine involves the application of certain medicinal products. First, you need to eliminate pain, inflammation in the tissues, and all of the desired functions. In any case, the doctor selects individually the medicines and their dosage.

To remedy the pain the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. In General, nonsteroidal anti appointed-inflammatory drugs, in particular, such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Ortofen. Because these drugs problems with the stomach and the intestine, can trigger, it is necessary that certain precautions be observed.

Apart from neuralgia of the spine in adults treated with the help of medications to eliminate the muscle spasms. In particular, the use of such means as Finlepsin, carbamazepine, Gabapentin. Also often used and antidepressants, which can help reduce dulling the perception of pain and more sensations.

In the course of therapy, the intake of vitamins of group In, the. in the Form of tablets or in the Form of injections In the case of intense pain a blockage, but they apply only if no Allergy is injected to the drug.

The treatment of neuralgia is not only from the inside but also the outside, therefore, the applications of ointments and Gel with a pronounced shows anti-inflammatory effect, namely, such as Ketoprofen, Voltaren, Finalgon, Diclofenac. The treatment necessary medications should not days longer than 5-7. To improve as soon as the health of the patient, additional procedures.

If the methods are conservative therapy has not brought the desired result of a surgical procedure, care remove the fabric under the pressure on the nerve or enlargement of the nerves.

People's Techniques

The treatment of neuralgia of the back and implies a Folk-application of techniques, but they apply as a Supplement to traditional medicine. Good anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect has fat an ointment cooked of kidney common lilac and pork.

For the elimination of muscle tension is a good calming tea will help with the lemon balm. Helping to relax, baths with a decoction or Infusion of the pine cones. Reduce swelling of the inflamed tissue spreader lotions help. The juice of the radish or horseradish helps to improve the blood circulation in the injured area. Neuralgia treat it is possible with the application of the ointment, made on the Basis of bee or snake venom.

After performing the massages and lotions you need to wrap the inflamed area as warm as possible and avoid excessive physical overexertion, drafts.